Preventive check-ups for your kids



Preventive check-ups for your kids


Preventive check-ups begin between the age of 6-12 months and regularly take place each 6 month until the age of 18. Preventive check-ups by children will prevent the dental disease called dental caries or dental decay. It helps the children to get used to the environment of the dental practice and the regular examination.


Our dentist will give you all important information about dental hygiene and teach you how to perform the right techniques of cleaning your teeth and gums. It is especially important to check up regularly the first deciduous teeth, because their bad state of health might influence the permanent teeth as well.


In case the preventive measures fail, the first decay of the deciduous tooth appears and first unpleasant treatment has to be done. Each treatment represents a troublesome experience to your child which he or she could carry for the rest of their life. In those cases we offer the possibility of conscious sedation which will dampen the experienced treatment.

  Preventivní prohlídka děti zubní

Make an appointment now on (+420) 222 230 081

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